Our Story


After suffering with health problems for years, resulting in decreased appetite and strength, I finally received surgical treatment. I was on the road to recovery, feeling better, gradually regaining my weight and strength each day though diet. Eventually, I was able to get back to farming!

My prior medical condition and decreased appetite made me realize how important nutrition was to my recovery. I decided to make a drastic change for the better in my life – to develop a product that could enhance the results of a healthy lifestyle in everybody!

Point of Light, LLC was launched in 2014 with two other like-minded, health-conscious people. Our partner with a medical background had recently described the positive results he had noticed from his patients using undenatured whey from A2 dairy cows. Now that we had a farmer, a doctor, and an idea to pack-in as much antioxidants as possible, A2-Immune™ began! It’s a product we’re passionate about. It’s a product we use within our own families. And it’s a product we’re proud to offer to you.

– Gilbert H.
Point of Light, LLC

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